Monday 7 January 2013

Blog Contributors Wanted

So, 2013 has begun and it feels like there should be a new start for all.  With that in mind I would like to give this blog a fresh feel and I am looking for Qualified or In Training psychologists to contribute to this blog.

If you have any refelctions on the training process that you would like to share with the community then please get in touch by commenting on this page and we can discuss your contribution.

I look forward to hearing from you

Until next time.......

Ciara Wild MBPsS FPiT


  1. Hi Ciara,
    I have just completed my Masters degree in Forensic Psychology which confers stage 1 of chartered status with the BPS. I have been working as a healthcare assistant in mental health settings and low secure units for over 3 years now. It is virtually impossible now to continue with my career in the UK. I have applied for over 100 Assistant Psychologist positions throughout the UK for since 2008 and still no joy. What I want to do now is to become a FPiT. However, you can imagine my frustration with this. Just any AP post will not be suitable for CPD as I will need supervised practice from a registered Forensic Psychologist, of which there are few registered for supervised practice, and they are more often than not inundated with requests. I feel that our governing body (The BPS) should do more to help with training for stage 2 of their own Diploma. Accredited MSc degrees for example should guarantee work placements to undertake stage 2, similar to that of clinical training. It is so disheartening when we have put in so much work and spent so much money on getting this far, only to have the door shut in our face.

  2. Hi Paul,
    I understand your frustration and I am certain there are many people including myself, in your situtation with the same frustrations. My hope is that a blog of this sort will allow us to share ways that we can charter independently. The BPS and DFP members survey's are often a good way to bring up issues such as this as I imagine the AGM would be.
    I wish you the best of luck and hope that you will be able to charter independently.

  3. Dear Ciara and Paul,
    I am a HCPC Registred Forensic Psychologist who has never forgotten the difficulties and pain(!) of becoming qualified. With this is mind I have set up a website specifically for Trainee Forensic Psychologists. My website in in development, and any comments about what you would find useful would be apprecaited - the website is for you! There is a page about Supervision which you discuss here.
    Thanks, Dr Jenny Marshall
